How to Grow Oyster Mushroom the Easiest and Economical Way
You can know about cultivating Oyster mushrooms on logs and packets by implementing inexpensive measures that are easy and profitable.
Mushroom growing is an engaging activity that is both interesting and profitable. You need to take a few simple steps to cultivate mushrooms that usually bloom from planted plug on logs during the months from autumn to spring.
Growing in a sack and logs
Growing oyster mushrooms in a sack is a common measure. Don’t forget to check the sack each day to keep a tab on the progress of the harvest. You need to punch the sack with thick nails to make some holes for proper ventilation inside the sack. The logs are also wonderful sources for growing mushrooms. Oyster mushroom Logs produce fruits from plugs with minimal effort, having the least inoculation period.
Purchasing the strain and plugs
You need to buy top-quality strains and plugs for growing mushrooms. The green grocers in the local market can provide you with a good supply of strains that you can use in packets or sacks for cultivation. The plugs are required to grow Oyster mushroom Logs in bulk, in the holed logs of hardwood barks. You may get the plugs either from the local market or from a online seller. Try to purchase from a reliable dealer. There are mushroom plugs that are poisonous in nature. You need to ensure that you are buying products that are edible and harmless. The prices are generally affordable for your pocket.
The environment to grow
It is essential to set the right environment for the production of mushrooms. The Oyster mushrooms usually grow well in humid conditions. A lot of fresh air supply and light are required for an excellent harvest. If the mushroom plugs on the logs receive less wind currents, the fruits they produce are thin and extended. On the other hand, direct exposure to daylight may dry the mushrooms. You must ensure the optimal air supply to get healthy mushrooms. When the level of relative humidity is around 90%, the fruits from the mushroom plugs grow faster and healthier.
Farming the Oyster mushrooms
Considering a couple of prime factors while farming the Oyster mushrooms is essential if you are wishing for positive results from your efforts.
· Wet towels — You may use them tactically to create a damp environment for the growth of mushrooms. You must check frequently the progress of cultivation and the moisture content of the growing mushrooms. Wrapping the mushroom plugs with the towel is beneficial but you need to be careful otherwise the growth may be damaged.
· Temperature — The temperature of the environment where you are cultivating the mushrooms is significant for a robust harvest. Unheated rooms will have a higher level of humidity. You may keep the packs there to exploit the moisture factor. Also, it is essential to note the climate variations while growing mushrooms on logs.
Follow the steps to get a rich harvest
If you are particular about the steps, there is no reason that you will not get voluminous fruits from the Oyster mushroom plugs.